Bedonna's Stallion Station and Performance
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Bedonna Dismore- Stallion Owner and Breeding Manager-
Snyder, OK

- Sun
Frost Deluxe -

(photo above taken April 2019,
at almost 2 years old. Standing around 15.1 hands,
at 24 months)
2017 AQHA Cremello Stallion eeAaCRCR 5 panel NN
This gorgeous colt just had to be part of
my program!
This young Stallion is 43.75% SUN FROST
(Note- FRENCHMANS GUY is 50% Sun Frost)
This photo spring of 2020.
Sorry so blurry.

This photo Oct, 2019, as a long 2 year old.

We will offer him to the public in 2021.
stud fee $900
He can only sire Palominos, Buckskins and Smokey Blacks
with common colored mares.
He can't site a sorrel or bay foal!
crem. C, QUARTER HORSE, 2017
His sire-Alamitos Sun Frost