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Please meet my "Trainers". They are currently my only employees.
They halter train my foals every year, and with 40 to 90 foals each year... they
are Valuable Employees!
My first helper, "Miss Jenny" who has been
with me for many years.
My next two helpers are related. I
bought them together a couple years after I got Miss Jenny. They did not
have names, and so I named them "Pete" and "Repeat".

"Brownie" is my newest addition to the
training team, and he is a great trainer.

Halter Training...
After weaning, I try to make sure each foal gets some
"Donkey Time". I make a custom sized Rope Halter for the foal, and
then I tie the Foal to a Donkey for a couple of days.

These Donkeys have been selected for their gentleness, calmness, and patience.
They are great at their jobs of educating the foals. My Donkeys teach the
foals to respect the pull of the halter, to lead on a loose rope, to stand tied
for hours, to drink and eat when it is offered, and patience... lots of
Here are a few pictures of my "Trainers" in action...
"Repeat" has this colt cooperating nicely.
"Brownie" teaching this colt to lead briskly on a loose

"Miss Jenny" teaching this filly to stand quietly for hours.

My Donkeys can teach these foals more in 48 straight hours of constant education, then I
can in 4 weeks. I run the ranch all by myself, and so I have very little
or no time for anything extra. I need help from my "Trainers".
(The Donkeys are NOT for sale.)
Stallion Training....
I've been asked by many stallion owners about training
a stallion to mount a "Dummy" and be collected. I've trained several
stallions to do this, and now will consider training other stallions to be
collected. Semen analysis can also been done at the same time as the
training. Stallions must be respectful and safe.
Also, all stallions that are brought here for training MUST have been tested and
found to be Negative for the EVA virus, AND Vaccinated for EVA following the
test, AND must have followed the Vaccination with the 30 day quarantine
required, prior to arriving here at the ranch. Proof of tested and
vaccination required. They must also be recently vaccinated for all other
vaccines, and have a new negative Coggins test. No Exceptions.
Training under Saddle...
This trainer is in the area...

Due to time restrictions and facilities, I'm not currently
doing any training. However, a friend of mine,
Von Woodress, does a lot of colt starting and we have admired his quiet training
methods for years. He is the only person in my area that I know, that I would trust to
start one of my horses. Von is located at Altus, OK and has been training
horses for over 50 years. He specializes in starting 2 yr olds, and
getting them under saddle. He is quiet and gentle with the horses and
tries to teach them in a calm and respectful way. His goal is to start
them without ever having them buck.
Von uses a Round Pen to start his training.

He often drives the colts before he rides them.
The Round Pen is very safe and has rubber along the bottom to protect the horses
from injury.

Von starts them gentle, and trusting, and they seldom ever buck even on the
first ride.

Von then graduates from the Round Pen to a larger Arena sized pen when the horse
is ready.
This is a 2 yr old Buckskin filly I raised that he is riding.

If you need a horse trained, please call Von Woodress at: (580) 482-6462 at Home
he might be available on his Cell... if he's Not in the saddle... at (580) 481-9860.
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