this is something new... Gifts and Art
I am once
again offering Custom Artwork to people. I stopped
doing artwork a few years
ago after
a house fire destroyed everything I had. Original Artwork, supplies,
but the
clothes I was wearing, and my Horse Registration Papers I was able to
save from the flames. That was it. The rest was all turned
to ashes. My inspiration for doing artwork
was gone,
and it has taken me a while to get back. Well, I'm back.
One of
the things I love the most is doing an original piece of artwork from
a photo. I create an original piece of art that you can frame and
keep, or give as a gift.
My favorite
is Portraits of Horses.
Art styles,
and sizes of work are up to you. My favorite media is 'prisma' colors
paper (see horse below), but several different medias are possible.
I like
realistic images, and try to create images you think you can 'touch'.
are my specialty, but I have also done bulls, deer, etc.
I can
also paint on the back of blue-jean jackets, dusters, etc.
Here are a few drawings I did
with prisma color on paper.

If you have an idea for an original
piece of artwork, please call me at 580-471-4040
to discuss it, and I will need
you to mail me the photographs that you wish me to use for
the drawing or painting.
Bedonna's Artwork, 21865 US Hwy 62, Snyder, OK 73566.
Another thing that I have been
doing lately, is creating nice photographs, and then making
gifts from them. Examples,
are putting pictures on Mouse Pads, Mugs, Caps, Shirts, etc.
If you need help with creating
a special and unique gift, maybe I can offer my services.
I'll try to get some examples
email me at:
bedonna@wildblue.net or
call 580-471-4040 for more information,
and to place orders.
Visa/Mastercard accepted with
5% processing fee.
Since I do my artwork
from photographs... I've been asked about
photos as much
as I've
been asked about the art itself. Taking a good picture can be tricky.
Lighting, background, getting the horse to stand in a way to complement
his or her qualities, and all the tiny things that make a great horse look
like a great horse in his or her photo. And then there are the photo
retouching tools like removing lead ropes and handlers from the photo to
add the finishing touches to a great photo.
Too may times I see people take poor pictures of a horse... and the end
result is that a great looking horse, with a pretty head, good
conformation and huge butt... looks like a poor quality horse, with
a big head, crooked legs, and skinny butt... all due to the photo! I can help with
too. If you want me to take pictures of your horse, I can do that
too. I'm not a
professional, but I have had LOTS of practice.
Almost all my photos on my site were taken by me. This photo was
taken by me, and then I did photo retouching to it to remove a fence,
telephone pole, and a car in the distance from the background. I
also removed my husband's arm, and the lead rope along with my husband's
shadow.... and the result is a great picture.

Photo Retouching
Have you
ever taken the perfect photo, but then after it is developed or
downloaded, you discover
that there
is a telephone pole growing out of your horse's back, a bush sprouting
from his nose, and the
wind blew his mane up, at just the wrong time? Well, I can help.
I can make some adjustments
to your photo and make your horse's photo picture perfect!
maybe not Perfect, but I can help make it better....
Here is
an example of changes to a photo to make it better...
This picture was taken with
poor lighting, and a few background problems.

How many changes can you see??

There are over 10 changes.
Can you see them all?
Click here for Many more examples of
Photo Retouching
I can also create really neat images from digital photos. Here is
a banner I created from photos of some of my stallions.
